Jul 14, 2015 R+T Park and Private Enterprise Partners Envision “Idea Quarter” Transformation for Phillip Street Building on the established success of the David Johnson Research + Technology Park, a plan was presented today to…
May 25, 2015 From Fairway to Conestoga: Recommended LRT stop names revealed One more piece of the puzzle that is Waterloo Region’s Ion light rail transit system has fallen into place. A…
May 25, 2015 Helping define success in Waterloo Today the City of Waterloo launched a five-part video series, entitled Why Waterloo, aimed at explaining Waterloo’s growing appeal. “There…
May 20, 2015 Communitech to launch Open Data Exchange in Waterloo WATERLOO — For a company like Desire2Learn in Kitchener, which provides software platforms for educators to build learning content and evaluate student…
May 19, 2015 Waterloo makes all the difference for SAP SAP’s 43-year history of innovation and growth has produced more than 70,000 employees across the globe. Here in Waterloo, over…
Nov 28, 2014 More is needed than just research partnerships to encourage innovation November 26 was Startup Day on the Hill in Ottawa. One of the many topics discussed was the partnerships between academia, industry…