R+T Park Living Lab: evolv1
At the David Johnston Research + Technology Park (R+T Park), innovation isn’t just about technology—it’s about creating solutions with real-world…
For more details on this recognition, read the full story on University of Waterloo’s news site.
The University of Waterloo has once again be named the most innovative University in Canada. with The University of Toronto and University of British Columbia following in second and third place. The recognition is based on results of a comprehensive online survey conducted by McLean’s, which solicits feedback from guidance counsellors, faculty member, senior administrators and a variety of businesspeople, as well as students across Canada.
The University also ranks highly in the categories of Leaders of Tomorrow (3rd in Canada), Best Overall (3rd in Canada) and Highest Quality (4th in Canada).
The University of Waterloo’s consistent ranking among the top universities in Canada offers a competitive advantage for companies choosing to locate on campus.
Companies locating in R+T Park are closely connected to the campus community and leverage that proximity to build strong brand awareness. This raises their profile helping to fill the talent pipeline with top candidates from the University’s world renowned Co-op program and highly sought-after graduates.
Ranked #1 in Canada for Industry Partnerships, the University of Waterloo is known for taking ideas out of the lab and into the marketplace. Companies located in R+T Park are able to work closely with students, researchers, and faculty to commercialize research into world-changing innovations.
Waterloo Region boasts the second highest density of startup activity in the world, and one of the most vibrant entrepreneurial cultures anywhere. The Accelerator Centre in R+T Park is the top ranked incubator in Canada and top 5 in the world. The alumni and residents of UWaterloo’s flagship incubator, Velocity, have collectively raised more than $2.4 billion USD in funding. R+T Park brings together multinational enterprises, rapidly growing scale-ups, disruptive startups, and world-class research institutes, fostering unique collaborations.
Companies come to Waterloo to be a part of something bigger, and the companies in R+T Park are part of what make the UWaterloo Canada’s Most Innovative University. Together we’re making big changes and a better world.