R+T Park Living Lab: evolv1
At the David Johnston Research + Technology Park (R+T Park), innovation isn’t just about technology—it’s about creating solutions with real-world…
In February, the Waterloo Public Library held its 4th Annual Toasty Toes Sock Drive for the Homeless. Members of the community were encouraged to bring donations of new pairs of socks for adults to their favourite WPL location.
“What started out in 2014 as a small, 2-week effort with our customers donating 350 pairs has grown beyond belief. This year’s goal was to collect 3000 pairs of socks.” says Sandi Hall, Marketing & Communications Specialist at WPL. “With the help of our generous customers, our wonderful community partners and the amazing students at Mary Johnston Public School, we not only achieved our goal but we surpassed it with 3623 pairs of socks being donated this year!”
The socks are delivered to St. John’s Kitchen and always greeted with open arms.
“When we dropped off the 2000+ pairs of socks last year, the staff at St John’s Kitchen told us their sock supply was actually down to nothing. When we arrived, those using the services offered at the Kitchen were thrilled to see what we were bringing and helped us unload all of the bags and boxes.” says Hall. “They thought we brought a lot of socks last year, but just wait until this year’s delivery!”
Socks are a constant need for homeless people, who spend the majority of time on their feet and out in all weather. Many of the foot-related afflictions from which they suffer—swelling, blisters, skin infections, even frostbite—could be avoided simply by being able to wear clean, dry socks.
The Library would like to thank everyone who donated socks, including the Mary Johnston Public School Me2We Group, David Johnston Research + Technology Park University of Waterloo, Martin Chiropractic Clinic, Investors’ Group (UpTown Waterloo), Donovan Insurance, KW4Rent, St. Louis Adult Learning, U of W School of Optometry, the offices of the WCDSB and Ontario Seed-Home Hardware.
To learn more about how the Me2We Group and Toasty Toes became “Local Heroes” on CTV-Kitchener, visit this link.
For more information on the Sock Drive for the Homeless, contact Sandi Hall, Marketing & Communications Specialist, at shall@wpl.ca or 519-886-1310 ext. 157.