Jul 14, 2015 9th Annual R+T Park Charity Golf Tournament 9th Annual R+T Park Charity Golf Tournament is in the history books raising $24K for the R+T Park Tenants fund…
Jul 14, 2015 R+T Park and Private Enterprise Partners Envision “Idea Quarter” Transformation for Phillip Street Building on the established success of the David Johnson Research + Technology Park, a plan was presented today to…
Jun 04, 2015 Quantum valley A new tech hub is emerging that promises to revolutionize the lives of future generations in the way Silicon Valley…
May 26, 2015 Raising the standard It’s ambitious, but the principals behind it are determined to develop the area’s first net-positive building at the David Johnston…
May 25, 2015 From Fairway to Conestoga: Recommended LRT stop names revealed One more piece of the puzzle that is Waterloo Region’s Ion light rail transit system has fallen into place. A…